What the hell..it was such a long break from the writing that I started thinking that I am just having a writer's block (the feeling is good though as only real writers with real stuff to write get writers block and however I am no close to the real writing stuff, it feels good to think that I may have a writer's block...and for all those who think it is not, I don't care. I would like to keep it this way :))
Before I really get on to writing what I came here for and which is precisely the title of this post, I think I should just mention where was I? and the answer is between my last post and now - I got married, moved countries and became a full fledged wife and honestly its not that complicated :)
So what it looks complicated, let me see if I can make it easier. You guessed it...I am going to give top 3 pointers on relationship:
1. KISS : Keep It Simple, Stupid. Its complicated because we can not simplify it. Keep it open, cool and honest. This is about relationship and not a job interview where you need to bluff (well don't you). Your partner is looking for the real you - good or bad, beautiful or ugly, smart or dumb - it really doesn't matter as long as its the real you.
2. You like it, I like it : This is original and super effective too. There is nothing sweeter than the art of giving and trust me the one who gives is the one who gets more. It might be the smallest of gestures but then the returns are exponential and the biggest fruit is that you feel happy from inside. Try it...if it doesn't work, come and tell me.
3. Unconditional love : One of my dear friend's father used to say that love is always unconditional. If its not unconditional, its not love and you might be in a wrong situation. This also translates to "don't have any hidden agenda for loving the person". Its like either you love a person or you don't. There are no reasons and no gray areas. Get it. Good.
4. Unique chemistry : Every couple's chemistry is unique, which also means that whatever gyan I am giving is of no use...but that's the irony of life too :).
What works for them might not work for you and never make situations bad by comparing. Look for what works for you and then stick to it.
I know you are wondering why the fourth point - its the bonus for reading the post till the end.
Happy loving!