Friday, April 29, 2011

I need a job!!!

I have not been working since 6 months now ( has been SIX months) and this is the first time that I have been unemployed for this long. Like most of people I have gone through the phases of being unemployed such as enjoying the free time, thinking what all great things I can do with the time in hand, cooking, sleeping a lot, reading a bit etc. etc. And now is the phase when I need to start working again. Yeah you got it right, its not about the want to work but the need to work again. Staying at home sucks!!!

And I have reasons to get a job too:
  1. To get back to normal life of having a routine and being productive.
  2. To earn money and keep on earning it.
  3. To meet lots of people and make new friends.
  4. To shop for new formal clothes. Ladies dress amazingly here :)
  5. To eat lunch with colleagues and bitch about the boss.
  6. To be able to come back home and crib about how much work I have and how good it was when I was not working.
  7. To be able to enjoy weekends.
  8. To keep a track of time and marvel at how or slow it progresses (depending on what kind of day I am having).
  9. To feel good about myself by managing home and work efficiently. Yeah, I have always wanted to excel at both the things together.
  10. And last but not the least,to get calls on the phone and feeling a part of this world.
So all the people who tell me that, are not working..that's so great; is not so cool. I have my reasons to work and I am sure we all have. Tell me, what are yours??

Happy Working!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Future Shock..

"Too much change in too short a period of time"
....that's how the legendary socialist and futurist Alvin Toffler had predicted in the 70s. And how true it is. The world is shrinking, time is flying faster than ever before (or its just me), innovations are happening at the speed of light and to add to our troubles; information has become way too accessible and technology has taken over our lives. All this availability of required and not-so-required things is making my span of attention and interest shorter and shorter by the day. I want more, I want something new to entertain myself.
  • Online chatting (specially with strangers) - Bored!
  • SMSing (looked like a necessity in college days) - Bored!
  • Mobile phones (never thought that I will survive without it) - Bored!
  • Social networking (first orkut was he king and then the throne was captured by facebook) - Bored!
  • Online games (there was a time - not too long back- when I could spend entire day and night just playing games on the net) - Bored!
Now mind craves for something learn and exploit it...and then forget about it. But amidst all this, all this obsession about NEW and exciting, the few things which never can be replaced are the things which are there since centuries, may be since the beginning of the mankind. These are the activities, things, experiences which still excite me or are still there with me. Things like:
  • Going out and playing some real sports - Hit!
  • Reading physical books (specially outside) - Hit!
  • Doing calculations on paper (yeah I don't prefer excel sheet for simpler stuff) - Hit!
  • Going out and meeting people (rather than spending life on second life) - Hit!
  • Watering plants - Hit!
  • Writing on paper instead of on computer - Hit!
Having said all this, I still crave for something new and better. I guess when Mr. Toffler did his predictions (which are turning out to be damn right), he would not have imagined how it is going to confuse us and complicate things for us. We are stuck between things we enjoy and things we should enjoy and the difference is minimizing with time. As the post progressed, I realized that span of attention is not the only issue here. The major issue is a confused and contradicting mind. The definition of pleasure is changing, its becoming more of what should be enjoyable according to certain set of definitions against what actually is. And I don't want that.