Monday, November 24, 2008

"Shift + Delete"

I am not very good at technology stuff...I mean even the computers agree to this, they tend to slow down or for that matter deny to boot when they see me coming. And I am really serious about this (ppl dont to take me very seriously on certain matters :) ). But one thing I have really learnt from my system is SHIFT+DELETE. Its so cool. You can permanently delete the stuff from the system that you don't want. There isn't any scope for having the undesirable stuff at Recycle Bin.
I am learning to apply the same in real life as well. The thoughts, disasterous moments, bad hair days and ppl's comments on that, painful meetings with the boss, arguments with mom, disagreements with friends and above all, things that make me feel guilty...I am just trying to apply SHIFT+DELETE to certain things and it will never come back to me. It would be a WOW moment if I succeed in that and probably would write a book on the same and that book would become a bestseller....Pollyanna you know...cant stop dreaming..:).
Well the status as of now is that I have been able to apply it to some smaller things and not the sacred and serious ones. Actually, I stilll have to figure out the stuff I need to dump. But whenever I am done with this exercise, would surely share the take aways at this platform (for the privileged few, who dare to read my blog).
Till then ENJOY..!!!


Sandeep said...
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Anonymous said...

Happiness is nothing but a good health and a bad memory [:)]

Shveta said...

Bang on Ojasvi..."in search of happiness"

Rahul : the bestseller would take time or it might not come..:)